transformational coaching

‘We are the ones we have been waiting for.’ ~ Alice Walker

Individual guidance

For us, coaching implies individual guidance. It is often the starting point of a process of awakening. You are the one deciding how far you want to go. Also in coaching your intentions and (consciousness) development are leading.

Developing and integrating a broader consciousness requires working methods that go beyond analysis and reflection. You can find more about our vision and approach here.

Coaching aimed at awakening your true potential has a positive impact on all aspects of life. It makes you more effective and more future-proof.

  • Developing your inner compass and authority, making it easier to choose
  • Increasing your self-expression and ability to connect
  • Developing more (personal and professional) confidence, robustness, and balance
  • Consciously taking care of your well-being, vitality, and energy management
  • Increasing your scope, impact, and presence
  • Giving purpose and meaning to life

partner in awareness

Deep transformation and awakening processes usually require tailor-made solutions over a longer period of time. In those cases, coaching is often used in combination with inner work and/or one of our other programs. We also have an extensive network of other types of healthcare professionals around us. If we feel that something else is needed, we will refer you.

Whether it concerns greater awareness or awakening your true potential, both are ongoing processes, where professional guidance may be desirable at times. We would be happy to explore with you whether we can be of service to you.

What else can we do for you?